Legal Entity Identifier
Applying for LEI is simple now! Enroll and get your Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) instantly.
Register Your LEI Renew Your LEIApplying for LEI is simple now! Enroll and get your Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) instantly.
Register Your LEI Renew Your LEILegal Entity Identifier code is a measure to improve the quality & accuracy of financial data systems for better risk management post Global Financial Crisis. It was designed to create global reference to financial data that identifies legal entities across any country.
LEI is a 20-digit unique code which is assigned to different legal entities engaged in financial transactions. Same is defined by ISO 17442.
Any legal entity in India having borrowing limits (Fund-based or Non Fund-based) greater than or equal to 5cr should apply for LEID mandatorily
*SCBs - Scheduled Commercial Banks
Each LEID is valid for one year from the date of issuance/date of renewal. It is the duty of an entity to have their LEI’s in active status. In case of LEI status changing from Active to Lapsed status, banks may refrain from covering/offering services of OTC derivative products.
INR 6000+ Taxes are charged towards creation of LEID in India.
Do reach out to SaveDesk for any clarification on +91 9986641076 / 89719-79321